Poppy stands for Pals Of Park Primary Youngsters and is our Parent/Teacher Association.  All parents/carers and staff are automatically members. 

The main aim of POPPY is to raise funds for the school.  The committee meets regularly to organise fund raising and social events, such as the Christmas and Summer Fayre.  Forthcoming events are advertised in the school’s newsletter which is emailed to you. POPPY can be contacted via the school office or by email (see below).

if you are interested in becoming an active member of the committee, please contact Kim Neaser via the school office or by email. We look forward to hearing from you.

POPPY COMMITTEE - Elected 25th September 2018

Kim Neaser – Chairperson

Vacancy - Vice Chairperson/Acting Secretary

Liz Hobbs/Jenny Cree – Treasurers

If you would like to contact POPPY please email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Fundraising Events 2018-2019

Friday 7th December 2018 - Christmas Fayre - 3.30pm-5.30pm

Birdworld/Underwater World - Family Ticket (2 adults/3 children) available to hire for £10 per day.  Please apply at the school office.

SANTA at Birdworld discount voucher also available. For more details, please apply at the school office.

Next Meeting - Tuesday 16th October 2018


Fundraising Events 2016-2017

November 7th - Children's Disco

December 2nd - Christmas Fair


Fundraising Events 2015-2016

March 24th - Cake Sale & Easter Raffle

April 13th - Sponsored Bounce

July 2nd - Summer Fun Day

July 8th - Sports Day BBQ 



Poppy Contribution

We are incredibly grateful to POPPY for their fund-raising which has enabled us to improve the provision for your children.  


This year Poppy contributed towards the funding of the children’s new climbing frame.


Poppy funds have provided:

  • 12 Kindles for Key Stage 2
  • The new climbing train outside the Key Stage 1 classrooms


  • Books for the school library
  • Play equipment for garden playhouse
  • Leavers gifts for Year 6 pupils
  • Dance costumes for Park Primary Dance Club