Curriculum Overview

At Park Primary we have a broad and balanced curriculum which is designed to hook the children into learning. Our aim is to expose the children to a wealth of opportunities for learning, particularly as we recognise that a wide general knowledge is essential to a successful school career and beyond.

Our curriculum is broken up into six half terms and we use good literature as the base. We follow the National Curriculum and further guidance can be accessed from the link:

Please click on the various sections to see what your children will be learning this year.

Curriculum Overviews

Year 1          Year 2          Year 3

Year 4          Year 5          Year 6

English Curriculum and Core Text Overviews





Subject Long Term Overviews

Art      Computing     DT     Geography   History  

Maths    Music     PE     Science     Spellings


PSHE Appendix 1 - PSHE and Wellbeing

PSHE Appendix 2 - Relationships and Health Education Content Covered in Science Curriculum

PSHE - Appendix 3 - Parent Form: Withdrawal from sex education within RSE